New Space Economy
The Division of Business and Economic Development invites you to a session on the New Space Economy. Find out how the privatisation of space is democratising access to space, and what opportunities and challenges this brings.
A keynote speech followed by a panel discussion will explore how Zurich, as an innovation hub, can benefit from this growing ecosystem. Discuss with experts the role of collaboration and open innovation in this exciting field.

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Deep Dive
Dr. Markus Müller
Co-Head Division of Business and Economic Development, Canton Zurich

Deep Dive
Dr. René Puls
Managing Director, PRORES Aerospace

Deep Dive
Dr. Nanja Strecker
Lead ESA BIC CH and Co-Lead ETH Zurich I Space

Deep Dive
Prof. mult. Dr.rer.nat. Oliver Ullrich
Direktor, UZH Space Hub

Deep Dive